First Oil From Flyndre Extends Clyde Life

27th March 2017

First oil has been confirmed from the Maersk Oil-operated Flyndre field, located 25km northeast of the Clyde field in the Central North Sea, 280km from Aberdeen.

Flyndre, which straddles the UK and Norwegian North Sea boundary and was discovered in 1974, has been developed as a tieback to Repsol Sinopec Resources UK’s existing Clyde platform with a single production well.
Georg Vidnes, Clyde Asset Manager said: “This is a significant achievement for us and, importantly, allows us to maximise economic recovery from the Clyde field. We anticipate that the additional production from Flyndre will extend the life of Clyde well into the next decade.”

Production from the Flyndre field is expected to peak at around 10,000 bopd with the field expected to produce until at least 2023.
Bill Dunnett, Managing Director added: “Congratulations to the project team, everyone on Clyde and our partners at Maersk Oil. This is an important landmark in the ongoing transformation of our business which, when followed by further new production in the near future, will help consolidate our operations here in the North Sea for the long term.”

First production from the Montrose Area Redevelopment is also imminent, with first oil from the Shaw field now confirmed for Q2 2017.

Repsol Sinopec holds a total equity share in the Flyndre field of 26.979%. Other partners in the development are Maersk Oil UK Limited (65.941%); Maersk Oil Norway AS (6.255%); Statoil Petroleum AS (0.471%) and Petoro AS (0.354%).


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