SARB & Umm Lulu concession fields

March 2018

In March 2018, OMV was awarded a 20% stake in the offshore concession Abu Dhabi – SARB (Satah Al Razboot, with the satellite fields Bin Nasher and Al Bateel) and Umm Lulu as well as the associated infrastructure. OMV has been appointed as the Asset Lead for the Umm Lulu field.

The SARB field, 120 km away from Abu Dhabi, and the Umm Lulu field, about 30 km away from Abu Dhabi, are both located offshore in shallow waters, an environment, in which OMV is already highly experienced.

Production from SARB field combined with early production from Umm Lulu was achieved in September 2018, and full field startup of the Umm Lulu field super complex was completed in 2020.


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