TotalEnergies EP Bolivie celebrated the conclusion of ICS-5 connection project


With the presence of the Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Franklin Molina, and the Executive President of YPFB, Wilson Zelaya, TotalEnergies EP Bolivie celebrated the connection of the ICS-5 Well in a ceremony held on November 26 at the Incahuasi Plant.

The gas production of the Incahuasi 5 Well (ICS-5) will allow the incorporation of up to 2 MMmcd of gas to the production of the Incahuasi field and the maintenance of the production plateau of 11 MMmcd.

The ICS-5 Well connection project required 500,000 man-hours during construction, meeting the goal of "zero" incidents, an investment of USD 25 million, which will be added to the USD 74 million already invested in the drilling of Well ICS-5. In September 2019, the basic engineering work began, in April 2021 the construction phase began with the opening of the right-of-way, in September the hydrostatic test was carried out on the pipe of the collection line successfully and in November the well was linked to the existing facilities in the ICS-3 well prior to commissioning.

The scope of this project included the construction of facilities at the outlet of the ICS-5 well, which has a depth of 5040 meters, up to its connection with the collection line with a length of 7.4 km buried and 10" in diameter, which reaches the ICS-3 well where its facilities were expanded to receive this new production. At the same time, a fiber optic was installed to connect the equipment installed in the ICS-5 well with the plant's control system, allowing remote operation.Around 500 people were involved in the works, with up to 250 people housed in camps during construction. At the same time, it should be noted that through contractors, employment opportunities were provided to neighboring communities located in the municipality of Lagunillas. At the same time, it should be noted that through contractors, employment opportunities were provided to neighboring communities located in the municipality of Lagunillas.

Gas production from Well ICS-5 will be joined to gas production from Well ICS-3. In this way, the production of both wells will be transported from the ICS-3 Well to the Incahuasi Gas Processing Plant.

The facilities in the ICS-5 Well have their own electricity generation, including electricity for the control and instrumentation system, through a photovoltaic system, with solar panels and batteries installed for this purpose. With this technology, TotalEnergies EP Bolivie contributes to the use of renewable energy, reducing fuel gas consumption and CO2 emissions, replicating the successful design that was installed in the ICS-3 well.

This project had an additional challenge: carrying out construction activities in the COVID-19 context. To minimise risks in this area, TotalEnergies EP Bolivie applied strict protocols, thanks to which there were no Covid cases in the operation. Health and safety are fundamental values that guide the Company's actions.

The ICS-5 well connection project is part of a series of works being developed by TotalEnergies EP Bolivie, with its partners Gazprom, Tecpetrol and YPFB Chaco under an Oil Services Operation Contract with YPFB to carry out hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation activities in the Incahuasi and Aquio fields.

Incahuasi Gas Processing Plant

The Incahuasi Gas Processing Plant, located 250 km south of the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, began commercial production of the Ipati and Aquio blocks in August 2016, with production from the Aquio-X1001, ICS-X1 and ICS-2 wells, and an initial gas processing capacity of 6.5 MMmcd.

In 2019, additional investments were made to increase the capacity of the Plant to 11 MMmcd through the execution of a Debottlenecking (expansion of capacity and elimination of bottlenecks) and a By-pass.

The initial investment of the processing plant was USD 1,300 million and the total investment in the project was 1,600 million USD.

The processed gas is delivered by a lateral line to the national GASYRG transportation system, while the condensate is delivered through another pipeline to the OCSZ-2 Pipeline for subsequent commercialization by YPFB.


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