Kaztransoil JSC Extended the Agreement On the Transit Of 10 Million Tons Of Russian Oil Per Year To China


KazTransOil JSC has concluded an additional agreement with PJSC «NK «Rosneft» to the contract for the provision of services for the transportation of Russian oil through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the People's Republic of China. The document will become effective from the date of entry into force of amendments and additions to the agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on cooperation in the field of transportation of Russian oil through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the People's Republic of China dated December 24, 2013.

An additional agreement to the agreement between KazTransOil JSC and PJSC «NK «Rosneft» provides for the extension of the agreement until January 1, 2034, transportation of 10 million tons of Russian oil per year to the People's Republic of China and maintaining the current tariff.

Currently, the tariff of KazTransOil JSC for the service of transporting 10 million tons of Russian oil per year through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the People's Republic of China along the route «Border of the Russian Federation – Border of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Priirtyshsk) – Atasu (Republic of Kazakhstan) – Alashankou (People's Republic of China)» is 15 US dollars per 1 ton excluding VAT, including: on the section «border of the Russian Federation – border of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Priirtyshsk) – Atasu (Republic of Kazakhstan), including transshipment of oil to Atasu – 4.23 US dollars per 1 ton, excluding VAT; at the site «Atasu (Republic of Kazakhstan) – Alashankou (People's Republic of China)» – 10.77 US dollars per 1 ton excluding VAT.

In January-April 2023, KazTransOil JSC transited 3.2 million tons of Russian oil to the People's Republic of China.

The «Atasu–Alashankou» trunk oil pipeline is part of the «Kazakhstan–China» trunk oil pipeline system and belongs to «Kazakh-Chinese» Pipeline LLP, which is a joint venture of KazTransOil JSC (50%) and China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Company Ltd. (50%). The design capacity of the Atasu –Alashankou oil trunk pipeline is 20 million tons of oil per year.


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