Accelerate Balongan Refinery Revitalization, Pertamina Brings Reactor

January 14, 2022

Pertamina's dedication in executing the transformation of the refinery and petrochemical business in Balongan continues through the implementation of two strategic projects: the RDMP (Refinery Development Master Plan) and the revitalization of the RCC in Balongan. "RCC" or Residue Catalytic Cracking at Pertamina's refinery unit in Balongan is an important facility in the petroleum processing process because it functions to increase product value with the help of a catalyst. To accelerate the revitalization or rejuvenation of the RCC unit, on January 11, 2022, Pertamina through the Balongan Project Team succeeded in bringing in "Reactor", a core equipment for the RCC unit.

As stated by the Corporate Secretary of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (PT KPI), Ifki Sukarya, the installation of the reactor unit shows Pertamina's positive performance, which is already on track in overseeing the RCC rejuvenation project. In fact, until early 2022, the progress of the RCC rejuvenation project has reached 64.02%. "We hope that Pertamina's RCC Unit will be on stream in 2022 according to the target. Later on, the RCC Unit is projected to have a processing capacity of 83,000 barrels per day. The RCC unit also produces high-value products such as Propylene, LPG, Naphtha, Light Cycle Oil (LCO), and Decant Oil," said Ifki Sukarya.

The General Manager of the Balongan Project, Nugroho, revealed that Pertamina is committed in managing the optimization of the RCC Unit by rejuvenating and replacing critical equipment. “We make sure that the main equipment in the RCC Revitalization Project has arrived, that is the "Orifice Chamber" and "Reactor". Next, the Balongan Project Team will install the equipment on the refinery maintenance agenda in February 2022," said Nugroho.

Nugroho continued that the "Orifice Chamber" and "Reactor" are the core equipment in the RCC unit which has an important role in the fuel production process at the Pertamina Refinery in Balongan. "The Orifice Chamber equipment functions to reduce the pressure of the Flue Gas output from the Regenerator before it goes to the CO Boiler at the RCC unit of the Balongan Refinery," explained Nugroho. The installation of the Orifice Chamber which has a diameter of 4.16 meters and a length of 16.18 meters is carried out according to strict HSSE standards.

The "Reactor" in the RCC Unit functions as a place for the Catalytic Cracking reaction to break the carbon chain from low-value heavy oil feeds into products with shorter carbon chains with higher values ​​such as Propylene, LPG, Naphtha, Light Cycle Oil. (LCO), and Decant Oil. The reactor in the RCC Unit has a diameter of 11.5 meters, a length of 41.6 meters, and a gross weight of 782 tons. "This reactor is one of the heaviest ever mobilized at the RU VI Balongan," added Nugroho.

Apart from rejuvenating the RCC in Balongan, Pertamina is also implementing the RDMP Balongan National Strategic Project (PSN). The RDMP, or Pertamina's refinery development project in Balongan, aims to increase the refinery's processing capacity from 125 barrels per day to 150 barrels per day. In addition, the Balongan RDMP project also aims to improve the quality of the products produced to the equivalent of Euro V.

"Insya Allah, after the two existing equipment at RCC Balongan are replaced with new ones, the reliability and production of the Balongan Refinery will increase. We hope that the rejuvenation of RCC Balongan will contribute greatly in supporting the increase in national fuel production," concluded Nugroho.**


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