Berling PDO Submitted to the Authorities

December 21, 2022

OMV (Norge) AS has on behalf of the PL644 partnership submitted the Plan for Development and Operation (PDO) for the Berling gas and condensate discovery to the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy.

The recommended development concept for the Berling field is a 4-slot subsea production template tied back via a 24-kilometer pipeline to the Equinor-operated Åsgard B platform.

The rich gas will be processed on Åsgard B and transported via the Åsgard Transport System for further processing at Kårstø gas processing plant. The condensate will be transferred to Åsgard and co-mingled with other Åsgard production for storage and export by shuttle tankers to the market.

The development cost is estimated at NOK 9.1 billion (2022-NOK). Total Norwegian content of the development cost excluding drilling is estimated at 71% and 60% for drilling. Norwegian content of operating cost is estimated at 80%. The employment effect in the development and operation phase is around 4200 man-years.

“Berling will create considerable national ripple effects and the gas and condensate volumes will sustain Norway’s position as an important gas supplier to Europe”, says General Manager Knut Mauseth in OMV (Norge) AS.

The Berling discoveries (Iris and Hades) in PL 644 was made in 2018 on the Haltenbanken in the Norwegian Sea. The estimated recoverable resources are expected to be some 45 million barrels of oil equivalents.

OMV (Norge) AS is the operator for the development and operations with 30% working interest. The license partners are Equinor Energy AS (40%), DNO Norge AS (20%) and Sval Energi AS* (10%)

*) Sval has divested its entire share to DNO and the share will be transferred after government approval.


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