Total Abu Bukhoosh celebrates its 40th Anniversary


Total ABK celebrated its 40th anniversary with a Gala dinner celebration at the Emirates Palace on November 25, 2014. With a huge turnout of over 600 guests including our external VIP’s and Total staff, the evening started off with a Photo exhibition storyline of Total ABK history for the guests to enjoy at the cocktail reception. The program kicked off with the UAE National Anthem, followed by the ‘Surprise of the Night’: a 3D mapping covering the great story of TABK from “Pearl to Oil” which was indeed spectacular.

The speech by Hatem Nuseibeh, President Total EP UAE and Group Representative in the UAE, was a true testimony to the employees of the past and the present, emphasizing “the future is yours, take it.” He then added, “Total staff was the biggest asset to making Total ABK’s 40 years into a success story.”

Amer Al Shaikh Ali, CEO, Total Abu Al Bukhoosh, said that in 1974, when the expectancy of the ABK field was not more than 20 years, through excellence in HSE and Operations, combined with the commitment and cutting edge technology, innovation and thinking ”outside the box”, 40 years later, Total ABK still continues to usher in new life. The Emirati Poet, Saif Al Kaabi, enthralled the audience with a beautiful poem in Arabic, written for Total Abu Al Bukhoosh. That demonstrated the name and importance of what ABK stands for. Later in the evening a breathtaking live performance of “Feather Balance” portrayed strength, focus and patience and kept the audience amazed.

Two films were also projected that night, one covering our history and one featuring our people. Without all of our employees, this achievement of 40 years of production would not have been possible.

Helene Nachef, Head of Communications, Total Abu Al Bukhoosh, was the the Project Manager of the Total ABK 40th year of production anniversary event. Speaking to the COMMS team, she said “this has been a gratifying experience. This event gave us a chance to emphasize our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility in our association with Sougha, a Khalifa Committee initiative. They contributed in the production of a special gift that was given to all our employees.”


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