LyondellBasell technology selected for polyolefin plant in Turkey

December 3, 2019

LyondellBasell (NYSE: LYB) today announced that Ceyhan Polipropilen Uretim A.Ş, a joint venture between Rönesans Holding and Sonatrach S.p.A., has selected LyondellBasell’s Spheripol technology for a 450 KTA polypropylene unit to be constructed in Ceyhan, Turkey.

“We are delighted to be the technology provider of choice for this polyolefin plant in Turkey,” said Neil Nadalin, Director of Licensing at LyondellBasell. Nadalin added: “With the selection of our Spheripol technology Ceyhan Polipropilen Uretim is in the position to deliver benchmark polypropylene resins with an easy to operate, reliable and safe technology with outstanding monomer efficiency.”

Mr. Evren Ayral, Board Member at Ceyhan Polipropilen Uretim stated: “We have selected LyondellBasell’s technology for our PP project as the Spheripol products are well known in the region already which strongly supports the development of our market giving us the freedom to focus on our goal to strive for operational excellence with our newly developed facility.”

Spheripol is the leading PP process technology with more than 27 million tons of licensed capacity. The latest fifth generation Spheripol technology includes process improvements that further maximize operational efficiency. The plant will commence operations using Avant ZN catalyst.


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