Lummus Announces Master Licensor Award in Oman

 September 22, 2020 

 Lummus Technology today announced that it has been awarded a contract for technology licensing, process design package, training and advisory services, and proprietary catalyst and equipment supply by Duqm Refinery and Petrochemical Industries Company LLC (DRPIC), a joint venture between OQ S.A.O.C (OQ) and Kuwait Petroleum Europe B.V.


“Our customers benefit from our comprehensive technology portfolio, as we provide them with multiple technologies for one project, combining and integrating these technologies, proprietary equipment, catalyst and services,” said Leon de Bruyn, President and Chief Executive Officer of Lummus Technology. “This helps our customers reduce their capital and operating costs and assures them that they are working with an aligned project team that minimizes interfaces.”


The contract is for the planned new petrochemical complex in Oman with multiple units, including the largest NGL-MAXSM natural gas liquids (NGL) extraction units licensed by Lummus to Oman Oil Facilities Development Company LLC a wholly owned subsidiary of OQ with a capacity of 48 MMSCMD, one of the world’s largest ethylene units with 1,600 kta ethylene capacity, a butadiene extraction unit with 161 kta butadiene capacity, and a CDMtbe® unit (145 kta of MTBE) and 1-Butene separation (51 kta of 1-butene capacity) licensed to DRPIC. The arrangements also includes the supply of Lummus’ proprietary catalyst and SRT® (Short Residence Time) cracking heaters to the Duqm Petrochemicals Project.     


The units are part of the Duqm Petrochemicals Project, which is the second stage of DRPIC’s integrated refinery and petrochemical complex, and will be located at Duqm on the Arabian Sea coast of Oman, approximately 600 km south of Muscat.


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