
Showing posts from March, 2025

EPS Pipeline Officially Opened at Ceremony in Munich

 July 19, 2013 Germany’s EPS pipeline (Ethylen-Pipeline-Süd) has now officially come on stream. A ceremony held in Munich on Friday, July 19, celebrated the completion of this key infrastructure project. Numerous guests from the worlds of politics and industry – including Günther Oettinger, European Commissioner for Energy, and Martin Zeil, Bavaria’s Minister of Economic Affairs – paid tribute to the commissioning of the 370-km-long pipeline between the Bavarian town of Münchsmünster and Ludwigshafen in Rhineland-Palatinate. In his speech, European Commissioner Oettinger said: “The new pipeline will secure supplies of ethylene for the companies accessing it. Such infrastructure is becoming ever more important across all sectors in Germany and elsewhere in Europe.” Oettinger, a former minister president of Baden-Württemberg (southwestern Germany), sees the EPS as “further strengthening the south German industrial alliance.” For Martin Zeil, Bavaria’s Minister of Economic Affairs an...

Borealis awards Engineering Services (EPCM) contract to Maire Tecnimont Group for new world-scale Propane Dehydrogenation Plant in Belgium

  7 March 2019 Borealis, a leading provider of innovative solutions in the fields of polyolefins, base chemicals and fertilizers, has awarded Tecnimont, main contractor of Maire Tecnimont - a leading E&C international group – with the Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management (EPCM) and Commissioning services contract for a new propane dehydrogenation (PDH) plant , including the requisite Utilities and Interconnections. The new facility, located at an existing Borealis production site in Kallo, Belgium, will have a targeted production capacity of 750,000 metric tonnes per year, making it one of the largest and most efficient in the world. With a total contract value of approximately €90 million, the Kallo PDH project is on a reimbursable basis. PDH is a vital process step in the production of propylene from propane. Propylene is one of the most important building blocks for the entire chemical industry, and is the raw material used to produce polypropylene (PP). PP is i...

Borealis restarts PDH construction site in Kallo with Ponticelli as contractor

 3 October 2022 Following a standstill for 80% of the construction works in the Kallo PDH project , Borealis carried out a re-tendering process for the Mechanical and Piping construction works. After careful consideration, Borealis has now granted a majority of these works to the contractor Ponticelli. Works on the construction site will now further gradually increase as of 3 October 2022.   The prolonged standstill and gradual re-start of the project has consequences for the timeline of the project. Borealis expects start-up of the new PDH plant during the second half of 2024.  Borealis has zero tolerance for any malpractices. Borealis has implemented these measures to identify and address any potential lack of control by (sub)contractors:   All workers and (sub)contractors are informed and encouraged to make use of Borealis’ ethics hotline. This tool is accessible for Borealis workers and externals and allows for ethics-related concerns to be filed ...

NOVA Chemicals Reaches Mechanical Completion of Growth Projects in Ontario

December 21, 2022 NOVA Chemicals Corporation (“NOVA Chemicals”) today announced that its second Advanced SCLAIRTECH™ technology (“AST2”) facility and the third phase of the Corunna Cracker Expansion Project (“Cracker Expansion”) have each reached mechanical completion. The world-scale AST2 facility, located at the new Rokeby Site in St. Clair Township , Ontario will have a production capacity of approximately one billion pounds of polyethylene per year. The Cracker Expansion will provide ethylene feedstock to the new AST2 facility, expanding the existing cracker’s current capacity by more than 50 per cent. “We’re pleased to have completed the construction phase of the projects and our team is now fully focused on safely completing post-construction activities prior to starting the commissioning phase of this flagship asset,” stated Rob Thompson, NOVA Chemicals’ Vice President of Manufacturing East. “This has been a tremendous effort across the organization. During unprecedented conditi...