EPS Pipeline Officially Opened at Ceremony in Munich
July 19, 2013 Germany’s EPS pipeline (Ethylen-Pipeline-Süd) has now officially come on stream. A ceremony held in Munich on Friday, July 19, celebrated the completion of this key infrastructure project. Numerous guests from the worlds of politics and industry – including Günther Oettinger, European Commissioner for Energy, and Martin Zeil, Bavaria’s Minister of Economic Affairs – paid tribute to the commissioning of the 370-km-long pipeline between the Bavarian town of Münchsmünster and Ludwigshafen in Rhineland-Palatinate. In his speech, European Commissioner Oettinger said: “The new pipeline will secure supplies of ethylene for the companies accessing it. Such infrastructure is becoming ever more important across all sectors in Germany and elsewhere in Europe.” Oettinger, a former minister president of Baden-Württemberg (southwestern Germany), sees the EPS as “further strengthening the south German industrial alliance.” For Martin Zeil, Bavaria’s Minister of Economic Affairs an...