Total and Petrobras implement their Strategic Alliance through an Assets Package Agreement
Total and Petrobras signed today an Assets Package Agreement in the framework of their Strategic Alliance announced in October 2016. This agreement reinforces the joint partnership and cooperation between the two companies, in the Upstream and Downstream sectors, covering operations, research and technology. In the Upstream, the technical cooperation will be strongly reinforced between the two companies including joint assessment of the exploration potential in key prospective areas in Brazil and the development of new technologies. Total will also become partner to Petrobras in two high-quality pre-salt licenses of the prolific Santos basin: the BMS-11 with the “Iara” fields currently under development where Total will acquire a 22.5% interest from Petrobras, and in the BMS-9 with the Lapa field which just entered into production and where Total will become the Operator of the license with the acquisition of a 35% interest from Petrobras. The two companies will combine their inter...