PEC selects Honeywell UOP Technology for its world-scale Aromatics plant
2nd December 2021 Pengerang Energy Complex Sdn Bhd (PEC) today announced that it has awarded Honeywell UOP a technology licensing contract for its world scale Greenfield Integrated Condensate Splitter & Aromatics Complex located in Johor, Malaysia. PEC will utilize Honeywell UOP’s latest generation LD Parex technology. The LD Parex scheme utilizes toluene as a desorbent in place of an expensive p-deb (heavy desorbent) stream. The light desorbent scheme enables significant simplification in fractionation units which is one of the major drivers in reduction in both CapEx and Opex with emphases on fuel reduction consumption per MT of PX produced. UOP’s latest LD Parex scheme utilizes the best adsorbent system in the market in ADS-50 and uses the most efficient and reliable heat intensification methods in the industry. These advanced technologies will maximise aromatics products, lower capital and energy costs and allow for wider feedstock flexibility, including processing various bl...